6 Times Table

Hello kids and dear parents, you can find information about the multiplication table exercises to learn in primary school on my blog. The multiplication table is taught in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, at schools and students must have full knowledge of them in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Some students cannot learn multiplication tables with the same ease. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to practice the multiplication table regularly after the 4th grade. Other than this, there are some practical methods that make it easier to learn and master the multiplication table.

6 Times Table Worksheet 

Multiplication Table

Hello kids and dear parents, you can find information about the multiplication table exercises to learn in primary school on my blog. The multiplication table is taught in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, at schools and students must have full knowledge of them in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Some students cannot learn multiplication tables with the same ease. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to practice the multiplication table regularly after the 4th grade. Other than this, there are some practical methods that make it easier to learn and master the multiplication table.

For example ; It is easier for a child to respond to the multiplication table if the smallest number is in front during the procedure. For example, the 4 x 9 operation is easier than the 9 x 4 operation. You can find the answer more easily by reversing the oparation using this method. Another method that often helps is to find the sums of the more difficult multiplication tables based on the well-known multiplication tables. For example; The 6 x 7 operation is often seen as a difficult operation. But if you do 5 x 7 first and add 1 x 7 operation to it, the operation suddenly will be easier. You can also do the opposite, by subtracting 1. In a 4 x 7 operation you can do 5 x 7 first and remove 1 x 7 from it. By using such techniques, you can get rid of memorizing the whole multiplication table.

So why memorize the Multiplication Table is so important and requires effort. The multiplication table is a table that is repeated in each class and frequently used in operations in upper classes.  In addition, knowing the multiplication table is very useful not only for school but also for daily life. For example, you can easily calculate the cost of products purchased while shopping at the market.

You can use the following visuals of multiplication tables in order to provide children to memorize multiplication tables quickly.

Multiplication Table Printable

5 Times Multiplication Table

The multiplication table is one of the topics that the little ones who are taking their first steps in mathematics will first learn. In general, up to 12 multiplication tables can be stored. The multiplication table 5 is the simplest part. The hardest part of the children are the 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s.

The most commonly used and successful method among the techniques for storing the parental multiplication table for the students is the illustrated expression technique showing the multiplication table.We can say that the multiplication process 2 element is ineffective. 

  • 5 x 1 = 5
  • 5 x 2 = 10
  • 5 x 3 = 15
  • 5 x 4 = 20
  • 5 x 5 = 25
  • 5 x 6 = 30
  • 5 x 7 = 35
  • 5 x 8 = 40
  • 5 x 9 = 45
  • 5 x 10 = 50
  • 5 x 11 = 55
  • 5 x 12 = 60


4 Times Multiplication Table

The multiplication table is one of the topics that the little ones who are taking their first steps in mathematics will first learn. In general, up to 12 multiplication tables can be stored. The multiplication table 4 is the simplest part. The hardest part of the children are the 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s.

The most commonly used and successful method among the techniques for storing the parental multiplication table for the students is the illustrated expression technique showing the multiplication table.We can say that the multiplication process 2 element is ineffective.  

  • 4 x 1 = 4
  • 4 x 2 = 8
  • 4 x 3 = 12
  • 4 x 4 = 16
  • 4 x 5 = 20
  • 4 x 6 = 24
  • 4 x 7 = 28
  • 4 x 8 = 32
  • 4 x 9 = 36
  • 4 x 10 = 40
  • 4 x 11 = 44
  • 4 x 12 = 48


3 Times Multiplication Table

The multiplication table is one of the topics that the little ones who are taking their first steps in mathematics will first learn. In general, up to 12 multiplication tables can be stored. The multiplication table 3 is the simplest part. The hardest part of the children are the 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s.

The most commonly used and successful method among the techniques for storing the parental multiplication table for the students is the illustrated expression technique showing the multiplication table.We can say that the multiplication process 2 element is ineffective.

  • 3 x 1 = 3
  • 3 x 2 = 6
  • 3 x 3 = 9
  • 3 x 4 = 12
  • 3 x 5 = 15
  • 3 x 6 = 18
  • 3 x 7 = 21
  • 3 x 8 = 24
  • 3 x 9 = 27
  • 3 x 10 = 30
  • 3 x 11 = 33
  • 3 x 12 = 36

2 Times Multiplication Table

The multiplication table is one of the topics that the little ones who are taking their first steps in mathematics will first learn. In general, up to 12 multiplication tables can be stored. The multiplication table 2 is the simplest part. The hardest part of the children are the 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s.

The most commonly used and successful method among the techniques for storing the parental multiplication table for the students is the illustrated expression technique showing the multiplication table.We can say that the multiplication process 2 element is ineffective.
2 x 1 = 2
2 x 2 = 4
2 x 3 = 6
2 x 4 = 8
2 x 5 = 10
2 x 6 = 12 
2 x 7 = 14 
2 x 8 = 16 
2 x 9 = 18 
2 x 10 = 20
2 x 11 = 22
2 x 12 = 24

1 Times Multiplication Table

The multiplication table is one of the topics that the little ones who are taking their first steps in mathematics will first learn. In general, up to 12 multiplication tables can be stored. The multiplication table 1 is the simplest part. The hardest part of the children are the 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s.

The most commonly used and successful method among the techniques for storing the parental multiplication table for the students is the illustrated expression technique showing the multiplication table.We can say that the multiplication process 1 element is ineffective. 

  • 1 x 1 = 1
  • 1 x 2 = 2
  • 1 x 3 = 3
  • 1 x 4 = 4
  • 1 x 5 = 5
  • 1 x 6 = 6
  • 1 x 7 = 7
  • 1 x 8 = 8
  • 1 x 9 = 9
  • 1 x 10 = 10
  • 1 x 11 = 11
  • 1 x 12 = 12